digital signage vs PPT
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Marketing and communication managers see dynamic signage from both a professional and a personal point of view; they are constantly searching for new ways to display information and always on the lookout for the latest technological trends. People in charge of sharing information in a company all have the same objective: communicate messages and make them seen, read and heard. For all company types, screens have proven their effectiveness as a mean of communication. If you are using this channel of communication, which tool is the best way to organize and display information to your audience? Do you prefer PowerPoint, or are you using professional software? Both options are just as useful: their choice depends on your needs and your goals. At ITESMEDIA, every new client relationship begins with identifying their communications needs. We then offer professional counselling on signage, content and automation solutions available to them. Here are some points to consider when building your communication plan.

Which display type describes your situation?

  • You have a single screen
  • The display is readily accessible
  • Your screen’s USB key is safe
  • The displayed content does not change over time
PowerPoint is what you need! Multiple
  • You have more than one screen
  • You would like to control the displayed information remotely
  • Your audience appreciates real-time information (e. g. time, weather, newsfeeds)
  • The displayed content needs to be refreshed constantly
  • The dynamic display must comply with the company’s graphic standards

The ITESLIVE dynamic digital signage software is your best option! "Our company’s head office is quite large: the office spaces are adjacent to a small manufacturing plant. There are two cafeterias, locker rooms, rest areas, three coffee areas, plus the conference rooms and cloakrooms. Our communications must be effective both as messages and as a management method; it is essential that the signage can be controlled remotely. In an environment where content needs to be perpetually refreshed, customized templates help us save time significantly. Considering the amount of content we need to send, we cannot imagine going without software that can automate virtually everything for us!"

Everything on Digital Signage Free e-book

Is saving time an issue?

Companies need to ensure they are getting the most value from their assets. It’s a simple equation: time=money! To identify if you could save precious hours every month (or, in some cases, every week and even every day!) by using professional software instead of PowerPoint, we invite you to consider the time required to manage digital signage, writing and page layout of your messages. Answer the following questions to guide you in this process:

  • Did you ever have to open your computer late in the evening, or had to connect in a hurry to post last-minute information?
  • Is updating your PowerPoint slides (unfortunately) at the bottom of your list of priorities?
  • Have you ever considered creating a new Communications position in your company to manage your dynamic signage?

You can save time and optimize the performance of your resources through a single service: ITESLIVE provides you with benefits PowerPoint can barely compare to. With our turnkey services, you can:

  • Leverage a vast choice of display templates aligned with your branding
  • Captivate your audience by providing updated content every day
  • Control your displays remotely and ensure signage network security
  • Optimize your other communication channels through automation
  • Use digital signage to display emergency messages
  • Customize information between different display zones

Growing needs

Working with our clients has shown us that technology, as well as communications within a company, evolves over time. Some of our customers shared that they started with a television showing about twenty slides, which they found effective. Then, they added another display and added about a dozen slides to the presentation. Eventually, their needs reached a point where the person in charge had to spend a considerable amount of time to manage everything. In these cases, replacing PowerPoint and using professional software to automate, program and reuse content has proven to save a considerable amount of time for the manager, helped increase efficiency, and provided improved information to the target audience. Win-win. It’s what ITESMEDIA strives for.

Which solution is the best for you?

Assess your situation with Raphaël. Give him a call at 514-642-3790 or send him an email if you want to learn more about ITESLIVE or if you wish to explore your digital signage options.


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