screensaver as an internal communication tool
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At some point in your workday, you’ll come across unused computer screens that are in screensaver mode; this could happen when you are coming in a conference room or when you are returning to your desk, for example. These idle screens are dynamic communication channels that can be used to send important messages to your employees, whether they are in the office or at home.

conference room

conference room



How does a screensaver management software work?

Its operation is simple: when a screen is idle for some time (which can be set after a certain period), the screensaver activates and displays information configured in the content management software. That content can be edited remotely and in real time, and can even be updated automatically by integrating sources coming from external data. We can also share specific and customized content for users or groups of users (by using certain tags, for instance). With some tools such as ITESLIVE, users can even access their screensaver content on demand, instantly and on virtually any device with a screen (mobile phone, tablet, computer, TV, digital display, etc.). In short, it is simple to use both for the content manager and for the audience of that content.

Are screensavers an efficient communication tool?

Screensavers are efficient for many different reasons, the first one being its passive, non-intrusive nature, yet at the same time is able to reach most employees, whether they are at the office or working from home. It also creates an opportunity to communicate when employees are not working, where they might be more receptive to the messages. More broadly, this tool also helps repeat important messages and ensure that everyone has seen and understood them. Furthermore, this tool enables a variety of different visual formats by using images, videos, graphics, tables, animations, designs, and text. Screensavers are powerful tools that reaches employees and communicates important messages.

In conclusion, although screensavers were created originally to prevent images from “burning” into cathodic screens (a need that was no longer required since LCD screens appeared), they now play a new role: communicating important messages to your colleagues and employees.

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