Digital signage solution for cemeteries
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Dynamic signage is a great way to replace traditional, obsolete paper signs. This type of solution improves the visitors’ experience, helps save time and money, and is an interesting way to give a location a more modern touch. Nowadays, digital signage is everywhere, and is even used in funeral homes. This solution is now adapted to cemeteries to display plans, provide general information and share burial registers.

What can you share?

Plan of the cemetery

Digital plans are more helpful than paper versions for visitors, and make finding their way easier. It also optimizes traffic on the site, especially in larger cemeteries, and makes the groundskeepers’ and agents work easier. Digital plans can also be interactive: visitors can search the name of the deceased they wish to visit, and the way to reach their location will appear on the screen. Furthermore, the burials scheduled for the day can be linked to the plan; visitors will be able to click on the name of the person on the schedule and see all the related information appear, including the way to their destination. A QR code can be added to the display to let visitors access this information from their smartphone.

List of burials

Use your displays to share lists of daily scheduled burials to inform your visitors as soon as they arrive. Funeral homes usually use management software to display all necessary information; digital signage software can be linked to this data source, which will make it possible to share and automatically update the scheduled burials on the screens, as well as display the date, the time, and the precise locations.

General information

Share information of general interest on your displays such as cemetery opening hours, guidelines (e.g.: “No littering” messages), weather, date and time. Welcome messages are also frequently used. All these types of information can be displayed in between the other kinds of content mentioned previously.

Digital signage in cemeteries helps visitors find all the information they need without having to ask a staff member, and gives the location a more modern touch.


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