what is digital signage
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For most organisations, communications are vital to reach customers and employees or, for cities, citizens and visitors. There are many different ways for companies to facilitate and improve communications, and a lesser-known solution is using digital displays.


Digital signage is a communication and marketing tool that enables the sharing of multimedia content on any device with a screen (such as televisions, monitors, tablets, video walls, screensavers and interactive terminals) installed in public spaces.

Read: Everything you wanted to know about digital signage but didn’t think to ask

A few examples:

Digital signage can be used in various industries and for different purposes.


Improving communications is the main focus of companies in corporate and manufacturing environments. Through digital signage software, managers can create, manage and share content with their employees at any time, for example by sharing messages from HR, by promoting the organisational culture and by displaying key performance indicators. In short, displays help improve internal communications for organisations.

Smart cities

Digital signage can be used by cities to improve citizen communications, provide dynamic parking guidance and share information with travelers. For example, screens can display Amber alerts and detours as well as bus, metro and train schedules. All of these content types are displayed in real time, which facilitates travel and improves communications with users.

Smart public transit


Restaurants use digital signage to share their menu with their customers. With digital menus, restaurants are able to stand out from the rest, automate their content and apply changes rapidly. Menus can be changed depending on the time of day, for example switching the lunch menu for the evening meals. Also, if the price of a meal needs to be changed, updating it in the menu is easy.


In short, digital signage is an efficient communication tool for many different industry types; through it, managers can easily reach their audiences – customers, employees and citizens.

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