How ITESLIVE can help you manage a multilingual display
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We are launching a new series of articles called How ITESLIVE can help you. The objective of these articles is to let you know more about various options of the ITESLIVE software and help you understand why we have chosen to develop these features as well as how to use them. In the first article of this series, you will learn why we have included a multilingual feature and how to use it. Many people know that ITESLIVE can manage different languages based on various settings, but few are aware of the possibilities this feature can offer.

Why we have created this feature

ITESMEDIA is a company based in Montreal, one of the technology capitals of the world, where multiculturalism and multilingualism are prevalent in corporate and manufacturing sectors. In these environments, some employees are more fluent in English than in French, whereas in others, it’s the other way around. Furthermore, some companies have offices and factories everywhere around the world. As such, it is important to be able to display content in different languages. This way, everyone has access to the important information shared with them.

How to use this feature

There are two ways to define language: for each display reader or for each clip message.

edit message

Defining language based on the display reader

Language can be defined based on its location. For example, a company could determine that its factory located in Quebec will display content in French only, and that in its factory in Toronto, content will be displayed in English only. In this case, language is defined in the studio for each display reader.

Message important
Display at the Quebec factory

Important message
Display at the Toronto factory

Defining language for each clip message
Language can be managed for a same message. The content will first appear in French, then immediately be followed by its English version. The opposite order can also be applied.

In the video above, the selected languages are English and French; however, other languages could be displayed. Both options are provided in the ITESLIVE software.

In short, one of the main features of the ITESLIVE software is the display language. This module meets two different needs depending on what companies wish to do. Which feature do you think is essential for digital display software?

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