Digital signage resources

How EBI has improved internal communications

Written by Richard Fortin | Dec 4, 2017 3:01:00 PM

Project Description

The waste management and recycling company EBI has decided to implement a digital signage network in order to improve its internal communications. As Caroline Ouellet, the company's occupational health and safety manager, said: “It was very difficult to reach employees," She also says that employees are often outdoors and spend very little time in the company's offices. Management needed a dynamic way to communicate with them.

The objectives of the project

  • Efficiently communicate important messages from different departments of the company;
  • Share prevention messages on occupational health and safety;
  • Communicate performance indicators in real time.

Sujet: Caroline Ouellet, Responsable santé et sécurité au travail, EBI


Video Transcription

At EBI, we have been thinking about this project for 2 years.

When I arrived at the health and safety department, I discussed with the director of operations and we immediately established that it was very difficult to communicate with employees.

We put a digital screen at the entrance of the cafeteria, next to the punch machine.

This way, employees notice the screen when they come in to work.

At EBI, we decided to automate certain sections of our digital display like employees' birthdays.

We also automated complaints from customers, as well as our health and security projects.

We can see the evolution of our health and security projects in the form of a graph.

Job offers are also displayed automatically on the screens. Several components are automated.

Statistics on injuries, first aid and car accidents are presented graphically.

Actually, we haven't finished compiling all the data in order to analyze the profitability of the project.

However, I know that I can now communicate 50 times more prevention messages on health and safety than before.

So, if we manage to prevent one accident, we will have make this project profitable.

At first, I decided to manage the whole project. Now, the human resources department is also involved in the broadcast of messages. They have access to the ITESLIVE software.

The ITESLIVE software is very easy to use. I just log in the to interface and choose which screen I want to modify.

Then, I just add new content. I only need fifteen minutes a week to prepare and post my messages.

At the beginning of the project, we decided to meet with several digital signage suppliers.

We finally selected ITESMEDIA because they offered the possibility to automate messages. We were really interested in how fast it was to modify content and in the flexibility of the software.

Cost wise, we didn't have to pay for each template. Rather, they offered a global package that included content strategy and great technical support.

For all these reasons, we chose ITESMEDIA.